What’s The Best Type Of Game Fence For Cattle? (Part 2)

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | September 4, 2022

Last month, we talked about the types of game fence that typically do not make sense when you have cattle. Today, we will go into greater detail on why high-tensile fixed-knot fencing is the best option. Game fence is meant to keep your animals in place and keep predators at bay. It must do this […]

What’s The Best Type Of Game Fence For Cattle? (Part 1)

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | August 12, 2022

It doesn’t matter if you have one or 100 heads of cattle, the fencing you use to keep them safe and sound matters more than you might think. When buying game fence for your agricultural operation, you want to look at several factors, including needed maintenance, potential longevity, performance, and cost. For August and September’s […]

Protect Your Horses With Quality Game Fence (Part 2)

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | July 1, 2022

Previously, we touched on common fencing materials used to keep horses safe. Today, we’ll dive deeper into our top pick: fixed-knot steel-mesh game fence. With decades of experience in the game fence industry, we strongly believe that a fixed-knot design is the best fencing for equine operations. Why? First, the knots are fixed at each […]

Protect Your Horses With Quality Game Fence (Part 1)

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | June 1, 2022

Whether you are a hobbyist, professional breeder, or showman, your horses are likely your pride and joy. These majestic and gentle creatures deserve the best possible protection, and game fence can provide it. Today, Straight Shooter Game Fencing lists a few of the most popular horse fence options and discusses reasons why a fixed-knot fence […]

Game Fence Options For Keeping Your Investment Safe

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | May 1, 2022

Straight Shooter Game Fencing is one of the most trusted names in high-tensile fencing installation throughout the South East. We offer a large selection of professional fence materials for your project, no matter how big or small. Keep reading today’s blog for a brief rundown of game fencing and reasons you might consider having a […]

How To Choose Between The Five Different Types Of Deer Fencing

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | April 15, 2022

If you have a large piece of property to protect, you may have considered deer fence installation. This is a smart move that offers many benefits and can help you best protect your property. But, there are many different types of fencing available, and choosing the right one is crucial. Fortunately, as your local deer […]

How Can Highway Deer Fencing Save Human Lives?

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | March 14, 2022

Game ranchers, outdoorsmen, and those with personal airports are all familiar with how high fences can keep their real and personal property and livestock safe. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that deer fencing offers a host of municipal applications for highway safety. The US Federal Highway Administration acknowledges that wildlife/vehicle collisions are an ever-increasing […]

Here Are 3 Reasons Why Installing a Game Fence Is A Must For Farm House Owners

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | September 30, 2021

It comes with the territory – farms expect deer and other wildlife visits that can damage crops and even pose safety risks to individuals. At Straight Shooter Game Fencing, we believe that game fence installation is still the best solution to address this problem because of these reasons: Game fence installation keeps the farm’s perimeter […]

Should You Repair or Replace Your High Fence? Here Are The Things To Consider

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | July 1, 2021

“How would I know if I need to replace my high fence or just repair it?” can be a tricky question to answer. It would depend on your fence’s actual condition. Straight Shooter Game Fencing shares tips on determining your fence’s actual condition so you can decide what course of action best meets your high […]

12 Questions To Ask Your High Fence Contractor

By Straight Shooter Game Fencing | May 21, 2021

Whether you’re building a high fence for the first time or replacing an old one, you want to make sure you’re hiring the best high fence contractor for the job. Here are 12 important questions to ask to help you make the right decision. 1. How long has the company been operating? You’ll want to […]

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About Straight Shooter Game Fencing

We do more than install game fencing. For us, it's personal.

Each of us grew up hunting, fishing, and working the land. When we come to a job site, we keep those memories close. Each callous on our work-hardened hands is a reminder that what we do helps ensure the integrity of both the land and animals that graze upon it.

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