Goodbye City Life

If you’ve ever dreamed of leaving the rat race, keep reading. Here, we’ll cover a few things you should know before you make the leap from office to agriculture. Keep reading for advice on everything from high fence to farm financing.

Are You Ready?

Before you turn in your two-week notice, spend some time on a farm. You can book a weekend at a working cattle ranch or as a guest at one of the many agritourism sites popping up. can help you find a nearby location.

Finding the Right Homestead

Choosing the right spot is key to your success as a new farmer. You don’t have to have a large estate. A few acres will be enough to get started assuming the soil is well prepped and you have access to a barn and other amenities. Look for a property with a high fence, which will keep predators at bay and protect your crops or livestock. A barn, road frontage, and water source, such as a well or pond, are also beneficial. If you plan to sell what you produce, do some research to ensure the financial demographics of the region support your decision. If not, you may find yourself sitting on goods you can’t sell.

How to find a farm for sale

While you might think that using a real estate agent is the only way to start your search for land, there are many alternatives. Start by browsing the internet. Sites like Zillow and are available to the public and feature listings from all over the country. You can also use these as tools to identify potential properties. If you have a free afternoon, spend it driving through outlying rural areas. Sometimes farms pop up for sale and are only advertised via a sign at the gate.


Financing an agricultural piece of land isn’t that different from buying a residential property. But there are often special loans available, and they have different requirements and terms. The FSA offers more information on financial products available to farmers and ranchers. You may find that you will need to take out a separate loan to fund your farming operations and equipment, especially if you plan to use alternative methods, such as hydroponics or vertical farming.

DIY or outsource?

Depending on your budget and experience level working the land, you may need to outsource some of the work. This can include excavation, seeding, barn building, and animal insemination. If your land is not protected, you’ll also need to look into adding a fence. Straight Shooter Game Fencing offers options for self-installation, or we can install a high fence for you. We can clear trees, smooth the terrain, add water gaps, and place a predator apron to further help protect your investment. Contact us today for more information or for your no-obligation quote.