12 Questions To Ask Your High Fence Contractor

Whether you’re building a high fence for the first time or replacing an old one, you want to make sure you’re hiring the best high fence contractor for the job. Here are 12 important questions to ask to help you make the right decision.

1. How long has the company been operating?

You’ll want to work with a team that has been in the industry for quite some time and has a proven track record. A start-up company will not have the extensive hands-on experience you’re looking for.

Based in Alabama, Straight Shooter Game Fencing has been in the business for over 20 years and has built over 1,000 miles of fencing across the country.

2. What fencing materials do you install?

A reputable high fence contractor would be familiar with the different types of fencing materials available and can recommend the best one that meets your requirements.

3. Do you have a list of references that I can get in touch with?

It’s important to get feedback from past clients about the contractor’s workmanship. You can also do a quick search online to check if there are reviews available.

4. Do you have a project portfolio?

Professional high fence contractors will take photos (with the owner’s permission, of course) of their completed projects and share these with potential clients.

5. Are you licensed to operate in the state?

Working with an unlicensed high fence contractor poses a lot of risks. You could be held liable should accidents or injuries occur on your property, and they won’t be held accountable for substandard work.

6. Are you insured?

Make sure the contractor has general liability and workers’ compensation insurance. General liability insurance will protect your property should the contractor or their employees cause damages while on the job. Workers’ compensation insurance, on the other hand, will protect you if an employee is injured while working on your property. Both policies should be up-to-date; consider asking for copies for your reference and peace of mind.

7. Can you process the necessary permits on my behalf?

Experienced high fence installers can do the leg work for you.

8. Can you provide a written, itemized quote?

Reputable high fences contractors should be happy to provide you with a written, itemized quote for your high fence installation project.

As its name suggests, Straight Shooter Game Fencing takes pride in its straightforward pricing. Project quotes are accurate and have no hidden fees.

9. What kind of warranty do you offer?

Before you push through with any project, ask the high fence contractor about the warranties they provide. Most fencing contractors offer a 2 to 5-year warranty for the installation. Some warranties may depend on the type of fencing material used. Make sure all the details are included in the project contract before signing on the dotted line.

10. What’s your project timeline?

How long will the project take? When can the team get started? Ensure that the project start and end dates are stipulated in the contract.

12. Will you contact my utility company?

A professional high fence contractor should be able to contact your local utility company to locate and mark any underground gas, water, and power lines before building your fence.
The contractor will also ask for a copy of your survey records, which can be used to verify where your property lines are. Contact a surveyor or title company if you don’t have these records on hand.

Straight Shooter Game Fencing works with property owners throughout the US to provide high fence installation services at competitive prices. Straight Shooter Game Fencing guarantees a professional high fence installation on your property no matter the size or terrain. Get in touch to know more.