How to Plan for a Farm Fence

Proper agricultural fencing is essential for the management of your property. Not only does it add value to your home, but it can also enhance privacy and security. By properly planning ahead, you can save time, money, and effort. Keep reading to learn how to plan for a farm fence with tips from Straight Shooter Game Fencing!

Determine Your Farm Fence’s Purpose

First, you should determine what the purpose of your agricultural fencing will be. This will help you decide the type of fence to install, as well as what materials you will need. Common reasons for installing a farm fence include livestock containment, property boundaries, and predator deterrence. 

Choose the Right Fencing Material

Different types of fencing suit different needs. Some examples include:

High-Tensile Wire

High-tensile wire is one of the best options for protecting your property. This fencing stretches tightly between posts, creating a durable, strong, and resilient barrier. High-tensile wire fencing can be used to contain many different types of livestock. 

Wooden Fencing

Wooden fencing is a traditional, more inexpensive option for agricultural fencing. These types of fencing require more frequent maintenance to stay attractive and durable.

Chain-Link Fence

A chain-link fence is best for backyard needs, as opposed to agricultural fencing. It is inexpensive to install and can be a great substitute for high-tensile wire in smaller areas.

Electric Fences 

Electric fencing uses an electric current to keep animals from crossing the boundary. These fences require extra maintenance, but are great at keeping livestock contained and predators away.

Plan the Fence Layout and Design

Before planting your posts, check with local officials to make sure you are abiding by the coding and regulations in your community. Ask if there are any rules about height, placement, location, or permits. It is important to map out the fence before installation to ensure local authorities confirm your plan, verifying that you are within property lines, there are no utility lines that could be damaged, and other necessary verifications. Once all your questions have been answered, it’s time to decide where to run your fence!

Understand Fence Post Placement and Spacing

Flat terrain is ideal for agricultural fencing, allowing for easier installation and maintenance, but fencing can be installed effectively on plenty types of terrain with the correct techniques and posts. Some of the most common types of posts include: 

  • Corner Posts: These are stationed at the corners where fence lines change directions. This enhances stability, anchoring the fence. 
  • Line Posts: This option is used to support the fabric between corner posts, spaced evenly along the fence.
  • End Posts: Standing at the end of a fence line, end posts have holes drilled into one side attaching to the fence panel.
  • Gate Posts: These posts are made to support the weight and swing of the gate, with additional hinges and latches. 

Budgeting for Your Farm Fence

Make sure to set aside a budget for your agricultural fencing project. Communicate your budget and limitations with your fencing company so they can assist you in balancing quality and affordability. Straight Shooter Game Fencing knows how to help you save money without sacrificing the durability of your desired agricultural fencing. 

Partnering with the Right Fence Provider

One of the most critical steps in planning for your farm fence is choosing the right fencing provider. If you are looking for high-quality agricultural fencing solutions, contact us at Straight Shooter Game Fencing. Our years of experience and specialization in effective fencing ensures success in farms of all sizes. 

Agricultural fencing is essential in protecting your property and your livestock. Make sure to understand your needs and visit us at Straight Shooter Game Fencing to get started on your farm fencing project!