What Are The Materials Used in Agricultural Fencing?

Agricultural fencing is an essential component of farm management. It contains livestock, protects crops, and defines property boundaries. The materials used in agricultural fencing depend on several factors, including the type of animals contained, the farm terrain, durability, and budget. 

Common Materials Used in Agricultural Fencing

Some of the most common agricultural fencing materials include the following:

Wire Fencing

Wire fencing is divided into several categories. The most well-known type is barbed wire, which is also one of the cheapest choices. Barbed wire is made of twisted steel with sharp barbs. It is important to note that barbed wire can effectively deter and contain animals, but it is also dangerous and requires expert handling.

Another type of wire fencing is woven wire. Also known as field fencing, this material consists of interlaced wires that form a mesh. Woven wire is good for containing smaller livestock and can be galvanized for added durability. 

High-tensile wire is a long-lasting option often used for boundary fences and larger enclosures. It is typically easier to install than other wire types because it requires fewer posts. 

Electric fencing is yet another variety of wire fencing. This involves using electrified wires to contain animals. Farmers often combine electric fencing with other materials to cordon off a containment area. 


Wood can be used for agricultural fencing but is usually combined with wire fencing. For instance, wooden posts support wire fencing, or the wire can cover a wooden rail structure to create a solid fence. 


Typically made of steel or aluminum, metal posts are more durable than wood posts. They are the better option for high-wind areas or heavy-duty fencing. Using metal pipes for both posts and rails is also possible to make a fence more visually appealing. Welded wire mesh, on the other hand, is a rigid fencing material that consists of welded wire in a grid format. Wire mesh is excellent for enclosing chicken coops and livestock pens. 


Plastic is relatively new and not as popular as the materials mentioned above. However, plastic (PVC) fencing is lightweight, durable, and highly resistant to corrosion and rot. 

Factors Affecting Material Choice

Different animals require different types of fencing. For example, a farm that keeps horses needs a tall, sturdy fence. Poultry may require mesh fencing only. Moreover, the terrain may influence the choice of materials. Hilly or rocky terrain may require metal posts instead of wooden ones. The climate also factors into material choices. For instance, galvanized wire may be more suitable for humid environments. Budget and aesthetic preference will also affect the material selection. 

What To Consider When Installing an Agricultural Fence

Agricultural fences must be high enough to contain different animals. The materials used will also require different levels of maintenance. It is crucial to consider how easy or difficult installation will be, especially for larger areas. If you want to protect your farm and your animals, Straight Shooter Game Fencing can provide you with high-quality fencing solutions. We are committed to offering a wide variety of fencing options to cater to different needs. 

Visit us at Straight Shooter Game Fencing to experience the difference that our fencing options provide!